You won't believe, but Subway has a special offer allowing you to buy 2 Footlongs for $13.99. Just enter the special code, wich we'll advise you a bit later. For a full list of deals, don't miss out on exploring all Subway Promo Codes valid during March 2025
How to Claim Subway's 2 for $13.99 Offer
- Go to the Subway website or app and hit «Order».
- Find your closest Subway & choose two Footlongs you like, put them in your cart.
- At checkout, use the code FL1399 .
- You'll see the price drop to $13.99 for both sandwiches.
See The Savings Yourself
Let's look at how you can save money:
- Imagine you choose two sandwiches, like the Ultimate B.M.T which costs $11.19 and the All-American Club priced at $13.49.
- Use code FL1399 when paying.
- Watch as nearly $10.69 gets knocked off the original price of $24.68, bringing it down to just $13.99.

After tax and extra fees, which come to about $1.24, your total will be around $15.23 - showing you get great food at an amazing discount.
What If The Code Doesn't Work?
If there's trouble with getting the discount we recommend to:
- Make sure your Subway store is included in this promotion.
- Double-check that you've entered FL1399 (or similar variations FL1399 1399FL) correctly.
- Look out for any alerts during checkout that might explain the issue.
If all else fails, keep an eye on new deals on Subway's offer page or try another promo code available.

- Subway 3 for $19.99 Coupon Code
- 6-INCH Meal for $6.49 | Subway Coupon
- Subway Footlong Meal for $8.99 | Coupon Code 2025
- Get 2 Subway Footlongs for Just $13.99 Coupon Code
- Get Free Footlong | Subway Coupon
As of the March 23rd 2025, the coupon was valid.
Written by Nadia